At the 2012 Annual Meeting of the Fort Sumter House Home Owners Association, there was considerable discussion with regard to allowing dogs in the building, particularly in First Floor apartments with direct entrances from the street where there are potential security issues.
The board assigned the task of forming a committee and drafting a policy for consideration at the 2013 Annual Meeting to board member Beau Clowney, himself a first floor resident.
The proposed Limited Pet Policy would also permit cats on all floors of the building and would apply to Owners only. Renters would not be permitted to have pets. The proposed policy established fees for pet ownership and penalties for infraction of the rules.
The Board of Directors recommends APPROVAL of this amendment. It will require a 2/3 affirmative vote of all Owners in order to be enacted. Ballots may be returned to the Manager no later than (postmarked) December 31, 2013.
The Fort Sumter Board of Directors
–> Proposed Amendment for Limited Pet Policy – ?attachment_id=897
I am in favor of the new pet policy.