Letter Sept. 15, 2018: Annual Homeowner Meeting

The Annual Meeting of the Fort Sumter House Association will be held in the lobby on Monday, October 29, 2018 at 6:30 PM.

We encourage all members to attend this important meeting. A progress report on various projects that have been completed this year and those still underway will be discussed along with an Association financial report and discussion of future financial requirements.  Please make every effort to attend.

If you are unable to attend, please complete the enclosed proxy statement naming someone you wish to represent and to vote in your place.  Proxies should be submitted to the Administrative Manager no later than the day of the meeting.  Proxies may be mailed or hand delivered to the Fort Sumter House office.  They may also be faxed to the office at 843-958-9543 or emailed to [email protected].

There will be three seats on the Board of Directors up for election this year.  The terms of Beth Dixon and Gordon Strauss will expire on October 30, 2017. Hal Cottingham is serving the remaining two year term of George Boniface, who resigned earlier this year, and that term will also expire. Any owner wishing to place his or her name, or that of another owner, in nomination should submit the names(s) to the Administrative Manager no later than October 15, 2018. Nominees should also submit a brief biography to send to owners.

The Board of Director nominees, biographies, ballots, agenda, and fiscal reports will be forwarded under separate cover prior to the Annual Meeting.

Enclosed is a copy of the Proxy form. **If you will be absent, then your Proxy is required to ensure a quorum for the meeting.**


Richard Donohoe, Gordon Strauss, Beth Dixon, Hal Cottingham and Kate Doub


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