Off-street parking in the Murray Boulevard lot and the South Battery lot for Owners/Residents of the Fort Sumter House is regulated by the FSHA Board. Decals will be provided to authorized users. Parking by authorized users will be on a first-come/first serve basis for all spaces with the exception of those marked in blue for special needs individuals.
The area directly in front of rear entrance ramp in the Murray Boulevard lot is designated as a loading/drop-off area only. Vehicles cannot be left unattended in this area.
Decals will be issued through the FSHA Manager’s Office. They will be available for issue during posted business hours Monday-Friday. Decals will be allotted on the basis of one (1) per one-bedroom Unit and two (2) per two or more bedrooms. Decals will be of two (2) types, a stick-on decal to affix to windshield or a hangar type to attach to rear-view mirror. The hanger type decal may be transferred between vehicles at users’ discretion. Decals shall be visible at all times while parked in FSHA lots.
Guest passes may be obtained for bona fide guests from the Manager during posted business hours or House Staff after hours. Guests may then park in any designated open parking space. These passes will be valid only for the designated duration of the visit and are non-transferable. Issuance of Guest Passes to be for occasional visitors only.
Those violating these regulations will be asked to remove their vehicle from the premises. Vehicles may be towed at owner’s expense if operator cannot be reasonably located.
June 26, 2020