1. Update on the HVAC Project
The installation of the new air conditioning system equipment is complete. The insulation of the pipes in the hallways is progressing. We think this project should be complete in about 4 – 6 weeks. FSH staff will begin to replace the grids and the ceiling tiles on the 7th floor the week of June 17.
Thank you to the owners who have paid the assessment for this project (via installments or in full). There are some owners who have missed making a payment by the due date of May 31. Those owners should contact the Building Manager. Please be aware that there is a penalty interest charge of 1% per month on delinquent payments.
2. Exercise Room
We now have a new recumbent bicycle in the Exercise Room. Due to a misunderstanding, the old (very well-used!) recumbent bicycle was mistakenly removed before we got the replacement. We apologize for the inconvenience.
3. Results of Opinion Survey from Homeowners
Last March, the board mailed to all FSHA homeowners an Opinion Survey requesting feedback to help guide the board with planning for future expenditures.
Out of 54 FSH homeowners, we received feedback from 19 owners, a 35% response rate. Of the 19 respondents, 47% of the responses were from owners who live in the building full time and 16% were from owners who rent their apartment. The response rate reflects less than half of the owners. If you have not submitted your Opinion Sheet and wish to do so, please see the Building Manager.
To summarize the feedback we received:
- A larger percentage of respondents (79%) preferred to pay for projects with assessments, rather than increased regime fees.
- There is strong support for the funding strategy we described in the letter we sent with the Opinion Sheet. Strongly Agree was 57% and Somewhat Agree was 43%.
- There were mixed results for spending money to develop preliminary cost estimates for a security wall in the Murray Blvd. parking lot (yes 47%, no 53%), beautify Murray Blvd. parking lot (yes 61%, no 39%), refresh the lobby (yes 39%, no 61%), and building a pergola for the pool (yes 44%, no 56%). From this, we observe that beautifying the Murray Blvd. parking lot got the strongest support at 61%.
- Several comments on the Opinion Sheet mentioned the need to replace the hallway carpeting, refresh the elevator interior and add WiFi support.
4. Projects for 2013 – 2014
The Board of Directors reviewed the Opinion Survey results and the projects that need to be prioritized for the 2013 – 2014 time period. Below are the projects we have deemed as high priority:
- Payoff insurance loan (to avoid paying more interest charges)
- Ceiling tiles for hallways (part of the HVAC project)
- Replace washers/dryers (existing machines were purchased in 2006)
- Replace hallway carpeting
- Upgrade elevator interior (cosmetic)
- King St entry doors – The doors are not closing properly, they are noisy, and they present a security risk. Board member, Beau Clowney, will investigate a solution.
- Awning on King St – We do not want to repair the damaged awning, rather we would like an awning that lets more light into the lobby. Board Member, Beau Clowney, will investigate a solution.