1. Hiring FSH Employees for Personal Projects.
Owners and residents periodically hire staff employees on their off-hours to do minor personal projects. It is important to note that FSH employees do not carry personal liability insurance for any work done here at FSH. When employees are working their shift for FSH, then Workman’s Comp and the FSH Liability Insurance provides coverage. The policy regarding liability insurance when owners/residents hire FSH employees to do personal projects on off-hours is as follows: If a FSH employee is injured when working on an owner/resident’s personal project, then the owner/resident assumes all liability for the employee. If any injury occurs, the owner/resident must file a claim on their personal Homeowners Insurance Policy.
The Regulations for Engagement of Contractors and Staff Employees is posted on the Fort Sumter House web site here: https://fortsumterhouse.org/?page_id=208.
2. Building & Grounds.
There have been several instances of security breaches and some residents have expressed their concerns that the building and grounds are too vulnerable. The Fort Sumter House Board of Directors has approved installation of security cameras and a new FOB entry system. We are in the process of deciding on the vendor and installation particulars. More information will be forthcoming soon.
We are also investigating replacing the FSH entrance mats with new ones that have the Fort Sumter House logo. This should enhance the King Street and Murray Boulevard entrances.
The diseased wax myrtle trees in the pool area have been removed. The Board has agreed to investigate building a wooden pergola (like an open-air gazebo) to provide some shade in the pool area near where the wax myrtles were. We believe the cost of materials is minimal and we plan to keep costs low by having the staff build it.
The staff has cleaned up the borders around the Murray Boulevard parking lot. They are currently cleaning the South Battery parking lot hedge beds, checking irrigation pipes, and mulching. We would like to let the hedge around the South Battery parking lot grow taller. The plan is to let the hedge fill out a little more and then let them grow higher.
3. Pressure Washing.
Pressure washing of the building began on Monday, June 11. The work should be completed within the week.
4. Storage Area Cleanup.
Thanks to all who cleared out their stuff from the floor space in the storage area. It is looking much better and the only thing left outside the bins are some old carpet remnants. The staff will be disposing of these soon.
Attendees: Dick Donohoe, George Boniface, Beth Dixon, Joy Jarvis, Glenn DeBiasi, Joe Yetsko