We are now in the midst of hurricane season as evidenced by our close brush with hurricane Irene this past week. As a reminder, Item 8 of the Rules and Regulations of the Fort Sumter House Association states:
8. Each Apartment owner who plans to be absent from his Apartment during the hurricane season must prepare the Apartment prior to departure, by:
a. Removing all furniture, potted plants, and other movable objects from any terrace and balcony; and securing all exterior windows and doors; and
b. Designating a responsible firm or individual satisfactory to the Association to care for his Apartment should the unit suffer hurricane damage. Such firm or individual shall contact the Association for permission to install or remove hurricane shutters or any other devices.
In the past, it has sometimes become necessary for FSH management to clear objects left on terraces and balconies prior to a hurricane or bad weather. Please note that in the future, owners and residents who do not comply with removing items from terraces and balconies prior to bad weather will be charged a fee of $50.00 if FSH management has to hire someone or ask the staff to do this during normal hours. Furthermore, it must be noted that if an object flies off a balcony or terrace during high winds and injures someone or something, then the owner is liable, not the FSH Association.
Fort Sumter House Board of Directors
George Boniface, Dick Donohoe, Jay Jacobs, Beth Dixon, Joy Jarvis