The FSHA swimming pool is subject to the following state rules and regulations:
- There should be no solo swimming
- There should be no running, boisterous or rough play
- No person under the influence of alcohol or drugs should use the pool
- There should be no spitting or blowing nose in pool
- Persons with diarrheal illness or nausea should not enter the pool
- Persons with skin, eye, ear or respiratory infections should not enter the pool
- Persons with open lesions or wounds should not enter the pool
- No animals or pets allowed in the pool
- No glass allowed in the pool or on the deck
- No children should be in the pool without supervision
- You should take a shower before entering the pool
- The pool is open from Sunrise to Sunset (such hours to be extended when the pool lights are in working order
- The maximum number of swimmers allowed in the pool is 137
- A first aid kit is located at the shed in the pool area
- An emergency phone (or other notification device) is located at the call box near the restrooms
- Lifesaving equipment is located on the pool deck.
In addition to the above SCDHEC regulations, below are the FSHA pool rules:
- The pool is for the exclusive use of Fort Sumter House residents and their guests
- Owner/resident must be with their guests at all times. If Owner/Resident is planning an event with more than 2 guests, please notify the Manager
- Residents are always responsible for the conduct of their Guests and their compliance with the pool rules
- No food will be consumed in the pool. Food may be consumed on the pool deck only
- All trash must be deposited in the trash container, not left in the pool area
- No smoking in the pool area
- Proper swimming attire must be worn when in the pool
- Shirts and shoes are required at all times in the lobby area. Swimsuits must be covered by a suitable garment
- Do not track water from the pool through the lobby. Water on the lobby floor can cause someone to slip and fall
- Pool is open sunrise to sunset, seven days a week. In season when pool light is operational pool hours are sunrise to 11:00 pm. Owners use the pool at their own risk
- No glass inside the pool area
- Proper swimming attire must be worn when in the pool.
June 26, 2020