Violation Enforcement of FSHA Rules and Regulations

The FSHA Board administers FSHA Rules and Regulations enforcement.  In accordance with state statutes, the Rules and Regulations of Fort Sumter House Association, Inc. attached as Exhibit I to the Master Deed Establishing Fort Sumter House Horizontal Property Regime and these Fort Sumter House Association Regulations and Policies are public documents recorded in the Register of Deeds of Charleston County.

The Board is empowered to exercise all authority and duties vested in or delegated to the FSHA by the provisions of the Master Deed for the enforcement of violations of FSHA Rules and Regulations.

The Enforcement and Appeals Procedure is as follows:

  1. Upon verification of the existence of a violation of the FSHA Rules and Regulations, the FSHA Manager (“the Manager”) will provide a first written notice to the Owner with paper copy placed under the Unit door to the tenant or guest (if applicable), and will request compliance within a reasonable amount of time
  2. If the violation still exists ten (10) days following the end of a reasonable amount of time, the Manager will provide a second written notice of violation to the Owner detailing the violation and a request to contact the FSHA within five (5) days to inform it of the Owner’s intent to correct the violation
  3. Should the Owner fail to remedy the violation within a reasonable time period, the Manager shall send a third notice of violation and notice of fine. Fines shall be imposed as follows:                                                                                                                                    First offense: $50.00,                                                                                                              Second offense: $100.00,                                                                                                          Third offense: $150.00,                                                                                                              Each successive offense: $150.00
  4. Additionally, he Board can correct the problem itself and assess the Owner for all costs involved, including applicable fines
  5. Should property damage to Common Areas occur, the responsible Owner will be assessed the full cost of repairs, in addition to any fine the Board levied
  6. Owner appeals may be directed in writing to the Board, 1 King Street, MAIN OFFICE, Charleston SC 29401. After consideration, the Board decisions are final to either allow the appeal, deny the appeal, or allow the appeal with stipulations.


June 26, 2020