1. New Master Deed Amendments Posted on Web Site
Master Deed Part 8 has been posted on the Fort Sumter House web site: https://fortsumterhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/2014-Master-Deed-Part-8001.pdf. This PDF file includes a copy of the Amendment 13 to the Master Deed and the Third (3rd) Amendment to the ByLaws to clarify the Association and the Owners’ respective responsibilities to insure the property (December, 2013); it also includes the addition of Rule #35 to the Rules and Regulations (Exhibit I) that authorizes the Board to impose fines (February, 2014). You can view all Master Deed related files here: https://fortsumterhouse.org/?page_id=230.
2. Update on Hallway Renovation
Carpet samples have been obtained and we are testing wall colors in preparation for the hallway renovation project. The plan is to start the project on the second floor and once that floor is completed, proceed up to the 3rd floor, then to the 4th floor, etc. until we have completed the 7th floor. The process on each floor will be to remove the old drop-tile ceiling first, then paint the walls and install the new drop-tile ceiling, and finally install the new carpet. The new drop-tile ceiling has already been installed on the 7th floor as part of the HVAC project, so if you want to see what the new ceilings will look like…. go to the 7th floor!
Renovation work has already begun on the 2nd floor. The old drop-tile ceiling has been removed and new plumbing valves have been installed to replace the old rusted ones. The staff is ready to start painting the second floor.
The next step is to finalize the wall paint color and select the new carpet. The Board has chosen a paint color that is very similar to the wall color currently used on the hallway walls. The staff should begin painting the second floor during the week of March 10. We have narrowed down the selection of carpet to three (3) choices:
- IMAGINE – Seoul Garden (color is Ebony): http://www.millikencarpet.com/en-US/products/productcatalog/Pages/design-details.aspx?DesignID=19099
- DA VINCI (Soft Silver): http://www.stantoncarpet.com/productdetail.aspx?ProductID=573&SkuID=2614
- SHAW Hospitality Group: https://fortsumterhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/F115786.pdf and https://fortsumterhouse.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/F115787.pdf
If you have comments related to these carpet choices, please respond to this posting or contact the Building Manager or a Board member. We hope to make a final decision on the carpet very soon.
3. Projects for 2014
We have identified the following expenditures from the Reserve Account for 2014: hallway renovation (see #2 above), implementing safety measures on the elevators, and replacing the washer/dryer equipment. Our Building Manager will keep us updated on the progress of all of these projects.
There are other needs that have arisen that we hope to manage within the 2014 Operating Account budget. Specifically the large multi-gym machine in the exercise room is broken, so we have investigated replacing that piece of equipment. We have purchased a replacement multi-gym from Charleston Fitness and it will be delivered and installed on or before Monday, March 24.
The Board agreed to purchase 1 bellman’s cart to replace one of the green garden carts. This will be purchased out of the Capital Repairs line item in the Operating Account.
4. New Rental and Contractor Policies
The new Rental and Contractor Policies are effective as of March 15, 2014. See the posting on these policies here: https://fortsumterhouse.org/?p=988. There have been a few questions and concerns expressed by Owners. The Board will meet soon to discuss how to possibly modify these policies to address Owner concerns. Until we make modifications, the existing policies will be in effect 3/15/14. Note that an Owner may request an exception to the Renter or Contractor Policy. For an exception to be considered, the Owner must send the Board a written notification along with a copy of the policy and the justification for the exception.
5. Plants in Murray Lot Next to Back Entrance
After the recent ice storm, the Building & Grounds Committee removed the dead plants in the area adjacent to the back entrance in the Murray parking lot. Some plants could be salvaged, but others had to be removed.
The B&G asks that anyone wishing to add plants in the Murray Blvd. parking lot in the area to the left of the entrance ramp, to please get approval from the Board and the B&G prior to doing so.
6. Rental of Parking Spaces
In order to generate revenue and possibly reduce the need for regime increases, the Board is considering renting some parking spaces along the back wall in the Murray parking lot. The plan would be to lease up to 10 parking spaces. This is still under review and the Board welcomes feedback from Owners.
7. Plumbing & Storm Window Inspections
The plumbing inspections in all units are completed. Our Building Manager is compiling the information to give to each owner. He plans to send this information out along with the next regime bill. Any plumbing work required is at the expense of the owner.
The inspection of the storm windows is not complete but so far there are no issues.
Don’t know if you’ve selected one of the three carpets yet, but I would like to say that I love the SHAW carpet. It pulls together the warmth of the walls, and the framed photographs, and adds the red accent for a more complete palette, as well as a reference to the warm reds in the lobby.
Hi Linda,
Thanks for the feedback. There is updated information about the carpet selection and hallway renovation in a more recent posting Summary: April 5 2014 Board Meeting (https://fortsumterhouse.org/?p=1036). We consulted with an interior designer who eliminated all three of the carpet designs posted above for a variety of reasons. We are waiting for the designer to provide sample of the final carpet design and we hope to place in the lobby shortly. If possible, I will also post here on web site.
Thanks. –Beth